Andrew Wrae Photography
Following attendance at a Chapel Designer workshop or Floral Intensive Retreat, attendees who qualify for membership (according to the criteria listed below) are given the opportunity to join the CD organization. Tuition paid to attend the initial Chapel Designer workshop/retreat pays for the first year of CD membership for qualified attendees.
At the end of the first year of Chapel Designer membership, you may remain a Chapel Designer by paying the annual membership renewal fee of $400.00.
Criteria for Chapel Designer Membership:
Attend a Chapel Designer workshop
Own a floral design business serving the wedding and event industry
Have a functioning website for the floral design business you own
Have a personal Facebook account (necessary for admittance into private CD forum)
Have a social media presence for your business (Facebook/Instagram business accounts preferred)
We do allow other industry designers, planners, freelancers or floral design employees to attend our annual conferences, but full membership benefits do not apply to these attendees.
The Chapel Designer organization also has a list of obtainable goals created by Holly Chapple. These goals help to ensure that membership in the CD organization continues to promote personal professional growth, as well as, continued growth of the organization as a whole. From this list each designer must complete at least three of the goals per calendar year.
Due to our growth, we have many Chapel Designers within the same market. Our code of ethics dictates that we assist and encourage the growth of other designers including those within our own markets. Any designer who violates the trust of this organization will be asked to leave. We are good to each other.
Invaluable support and guidance from industry peers.
Access to the Chapel Designer private forum
Industry sourcing discounts
Guidance from Holly as needed
Use of the Chapel Designer Logo in your marketing materials
Periodic mentions on The Chapel Designers social media sites
Business listing at
Collaboration opportunities with fellow Chapel Designers on photo shoots, destination weddings/events and special projects
Member discounts to Chapel Designer events